Episode 25

Even in moments when our head is telling us one thing—and our expectations another—something deeper inside us always knows what is true for this moment (or any moment, for that matter).
Today, Melissa and Barb share how they differentiate between thinking and ‘knowing.’
They also reveal how our ‘knowing’ can come in a flash and unexpectedly, like the one they experienced only minutes before recording this episode.
Melissa defines ‘knowing’ in a way most of us can relate to; a feeling in our gut, despite our heads telling us otherwise. [00:01:20]
Melissa shares a recent anecdote about a client opportunity that checked all the logic boxes, but just didn’t feel right. This story segues into Melissa’s upcoming course, DOUBT YOUR DOUBTS. [00:02:20]
Barb helps us all reflect on how we know when we are listening to our ‘knowing’ versus being in our heads, offering her own journey about where she goes and listens to gain clarity. [00:06:10]
Barb talks about how being alone so much during the pandemic created an urge to move, yet when she really sat and listened, her ‘knowing’ showed her something else. [00:09:55]
Melissa shares a past experience while working with Rohini Ross and a job opportunity that caused her to choose between her head and her gut for the answer. [00:11:45]
Melissa and Barb discuss the unexpected event of realizing only moments before the recording of this show that this would be their last episode together. [00:13:10]
Meet Your Hosts

You can follow Barb on Linkedin, Twitter and Instagram. You can also subscribe to her weekly blog on her website at

You can follow Melissa on Linkedin and Instagram. You can also subscribe to her weekly blog on her website at
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