Episode 11
With Barbara Patterson + Melissa Palazzo-Hart
We have all experienced overwhelming pain and seemingly impossible moments in life—be them our own, someone else’s, or those of that world.
Today, Melissa and Barb speak frankly about events happening in our collective world and our respective lives, with a reminder to ask ourselves, “What is mine to do in moments like these?”
Barb and Melissa share their own answers to this question with poignancy and hope.
Barb discusses the two recent mass shootings in the U.S. and conveys her and Melissa’s intent to show up and discuss new ways of moving through these difficult times. [00:01:20]
Barb shares the moment she paused and asked, “What’s mine to do?”—while truly listening, despite how much she wanted to jump into action while feeling the heartbreak. [00:03:24]
Melissa expresses how impacted she has been by the recent school shootings and how important it is to feel the feelings while also taking the baby steps of doing what is right in front of us, like talking with her 8-year-old daughter about the event. [00:06:15]
Melissa talks about how her answer to the question “What’s mine to do?—was to reach out to other moms to create an open dialog about how to support one another. [00:08:22]
Barb shares how she has seen the memes indicating that “Prayers are not enough anymore” and conveys that she agrees, but that she is still going to pray (Melissa agrees) and stay listening for what action steps she can take. [00:10:15]
Melissa reminds us not to push through the feelings, but to allow whatever is coming up for us in moments like these, then ask ourselves, “What’s mine to do now?” [00:18:00]
Meet Your Hosts
You can follow Barb on Linkedin, Twitter and Instagram. You can also subscribe to her weekly blog on her website at
You can follow Melissa on Linkedin and Instagram. You can also subscribe to her weekly blog on her website at
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