Episode 18

Today, Barb and Melissa offer a fun conversation about a heavy topic.
Most of us live under undue pressure in certain areas of our lives. This conversation between our two hosts beautifully shines a light on what we sacrifice by turning up the pressure and offers us ways to shift so we can be more productive while enjoying a life of more ease and fulfillment.
Barb discusses her early relationship with using pressure as a motivator, buying into the misaligned idea that pressure is necessary to do well. [00:01:30]
Barb reminds us that a freer, more relaxed mind internal state that better thinkers and more productive than a revved-up mind. [00:03:19]
Melissa discusses how unsustainable pressure is in the workforce. [00:06:58]
Melissa conveys the interesting results of the Marshmallow Experiment, where kindergartners outshined corporate executives. [00:08:43]
Barb asks us to remember that a temporary human experience (pressure) is not an ingredient for success or necessary in business. [00:11:49]
Barb shares how she stopped respecting the pressure and saw it for what it is, and Melissa shares an anecdotal client moment about bypassing pressure by slowing down. She throws in a sauce-on-the-back-burner analogy to make her point. [00:15:52]
Barb reminds us of the power of the pause. [00:18:16]
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You can follow Melissa on Linkedin and Instagram. You can also subscribe to her weekly blog on her website at
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